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Invest in your Business by Investing in Yourself

Matt Vincent Oct 27, 2020 11:06:35 AM

For the last 11 years we have had discussions with hundreds of business owners at DVA and the problems and challenges they face usually fall into three main categories:

  1. Short of time

  2. Not enough money

  3. Too much stress (usually with their team)

It is rare that we come across someone who has all of these under control at one time and is constantly on top of this as their business evolves.

However, we do also see plenty of success, goals being kicked, and lengthy periods of sustained results. The common trend that we notice here is that these business owners have made an investment in themselves.


What does this investment look like?
  • Mindset – A good business owner takes responsibility for their business. They accept that they may be blaming, making excuses or in denial about their circumstances, it’s human nature. They choose however to not wallow in this victim mentality or as we say ‘act below the line’ but instead they ‘rise above the line’, they take ownership and are accountable. Click here to view our OARBED mindset video to learn more about below the line and above the line behaviour.

  • A Plan – They have a living document that is a clear picture of where they are, where they want to be and how they are going to get there that is regularly reviewed and updated.
  • Accountability – They engage someone that will take a stand for what they say they are going to do – A Coach (not their spouse).

  • Rhythm – Through regular catch up’s with their coach to check in on progress they are able to remove roadblocks and capitalise on opportunities.


I believe the four points above are a formula for business success, meaning your business delivers what you desire in relation to having:

  • Time to do the things you love.

  • Money to live the lifestyle you want.

  • Peace of mind to enjoy life and all that it has to offer.

The above formula won’t work for everyone, however in the words of Henry Ford “if you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got”. So it is definitely worth a try.

If you want to get started, make the investment in yourself.

Request a phone call with us to get started and apply for funding to put this formula together.


Keep fighting the good fight.

Matt Vincent


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