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Reflecting on the Year

Matt Vincent Dec 14, 2020 3:53:40 PM

Reflection is taking a step back and putting serious thought or consideration into past actions, behaviours and beliefs.


If you were ever going to reflect on a year, this would be it. The turmoil that has been 2020 has impacted everyone, uncertainty in a crisis brings out the best and worst of us.


First and foremost, why would one reflect and why is it valuable?


If you want to become a better version of yourself or create a better business, you need to reflect on what has been so that you can take those learnings and improve. Growth is the reason for reflection.


There is a quote that echoes this sentiment - "Smooth seas don't make skillful sailors". As a business owner you have navigated the turbulent seas of this year, there will have been lots of lessons and now is the time to reflect on those, write them down and grow as a person.




A quick google search results in plenty of ideas about how to reflect and plenty of great reflective questions. But Here are 5 questions to ask yourself to get started (originally published on this website): 


  1. Which areas of my life did I focus most of my energy on?

  2. What were some of the experiences that brought me the most happiness?

  3. What were some of my biggest struggles?

  4. What habits and behaviors did I do that I want to leave behind?

  5. What habits and behaviors did I do that I want to continue doing?


At a minimum, simply ask yourself these questions and see what comes to mind, easy. Put an hour into it with a drink (beer or wine optional!) and share it with someone who can give you good honest feedback.


If you're striving for a great business, then do this exercise with your team (beer and wine also optional!).


If personal growth really is important to you, you need to reflect, now is as good a time as any to start if you haven't already.


If you want to look ahead and start planning for next year think about booking in your Complimentary Client Review (CCR) with us. At a CCR we discuss your business goals and how they tie in with your personal ones; any issues or challenges you're facing, from growth to the sale of your business; and how we can help. 


All the best.


Matt Vincent


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